
The State of Latinos with Disabilities

In recognition of National Autism Acceptance Month, we welcome James Garcia to headline a webinar on The State of Latinos with Disabilities on Wednesday, April 26 at 2:00PM EASTERN.  James’ research has shown that one in six adult Latinos have a disability, yet cultural and societal barriers often stand in the way of getting much-needed services.  […]

State Association Forum

During the summer of 2021, ACCSES invited Michael Odioso, an Ohio attorney, to join an ACCSES member call to discuss legislation under consideration, and ultimately passed by the Ohio General Assembly, that provided as follows: “Every two years, the president of the senate and speaker of the house of representatives shall establish a joint committee […]

Community of Practice Call

On Friday, June 16 and Friday, June 30 at 1:00PM EASTERN, ACCSES will host a two-part Community of Practice that will provide participants an opportunity to learn, share, and brainstorm about strategies for maximizing funding opportunities.  Topics will include: taking an inventory of potential funding sources; effective braiding, blending and sequencing of funding; creative review […]

LTSS Forum

In May, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, “Ensuring Access to Medicaid Services.”  The 130-page proposed rules would establish access standards, transparency for Medicaid payment rates to providers, and set requirements regarding compensation percentages for wages for direct care workers in Home and Community Based Services including 1915c […]

Community of Practice Call

On Friday, June 16 and Friday, June 30 at 1:00PM EASTERN, ACCSES will host a two-part Community of Practice that will provide participants an opportunity to learn, share, and brainstorm about strategies for maximizing funding opportunities.  Topics will include: taking an inventory of potential funding sources; effective braiding, blending and sequencing of funding; creative review […]

2023 Summer Conference and Annual Meeting

The Mayflower Hotel 1127 Connecticut Ave NW, Washington, DC, United States
Save the Date for the 2023 Summer Conference and Annual Meeting July 16-18 in Washington, D.C. at The Mayflower Hotel Click Here for All of the Information and to Register!

LTSS Policy Forum

Join us for our quarterly Long-Term Services and Supports Forum on Thursday, September 7 at 3:00PM EASTERN.  The agenda will be as follows: Guardianship Possible new OSHA regulations that would affect social service agencies Meeting CARF Dementia-Care Standards Creating an ACCSES LTSS Policy Committee Workgroup Please feel free to invite rising leaders in your organization who […]

How ABLE Accounts Support Employment Webinar

ACCSES is excited to announce that for the past several months we have been working with the National Able Resource Center, joined by the AbilityOne Commission, to offer a webinar on How ABLE Accounts Support Employment.  This two-part event, in honor of National Disability Awareness Month, is designed to increase employers’ and service providers’ understanding […]

NEON Information Session

Are you interested in the technical support offered by the U.S. Department of Labor through ACCSES under the National Expansion of Employment Opportunities Network?  We are offering two information sessions to learn more about how ACCSES members have used their hours of technical support in the past and plan to use their hours in the […]

NEON Information Session

Are you interested in the technical support offered by the U.S. Department of Labor through ACCSES under the National Expansion of Employment Opportunities Network?  We are offering two information sessions to learn more about how ACCSES members have used their hours of technical support in the past and plan to use their hours in the […]

2024 Winter Summit

The DeSoto 15 East Liberty Street, Savannah, GA
We are heading back to Savannah for the 2024 ACCSES Winter Summit and we could not be happier!  Join us January 14-16 as we work through the major concerns of disability service providers and the people they serve, hear from terrific speakers, learn from each other, and dine out at some of the best restaurants […]

AbilityOne Call

The U.S. AbilityOne Commission released three new compliance policies.  They are as follows: 51.401 – AbilityOne Program Nonprofit Agency Entry Qualifications 51.402 – AbilityOne Program Qualification Requirements for Nonprofit Agencies and Associated Responsibilities of the Central Nonprofit Agencies 51.404 – Direct Labor Hour Ratio Requirements You will find the three new draft policies along with […]
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