welcome to phoenix!

This an exciting time for ACCSES.  A year ago, we were beginning the process of clearing out our former offices to get ready to move to a lovely new – but significantly smaller – office four blocks away.  In going through hundreds of boxes and files that had not been opened in eons, we began to appreciate not just our history, which goes back more than 50 years, but the unique period presented in 1997 when ACCSES became an independent entity.  Sarah and I reached out to members who had a sense of that history to learn more, and we want to thank Fred Weber, Rick Christman, and others who shared stories with us.  As it turned out, the timing for having those conversations was impeccable.  ACCSES was about to mark its 25th anniversary as an independent advocacy organization!  Monday evening, we will celebrate that anniversary with all of you, the people who have helped put ACCSES on the map as a strong voice for disability service providers in Washington, D.C.  This celebration is in honor of all of you!

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